(12) Suegami, T., Sumioka, H., Obayashi, F., Ichii, K., Harada, Y., Daimoto, H., Nakae, A., and Ishiguro, H. (2017). Endocrinological Responses to a New Interactive HMI for a Straddle-type Vehicle: A Pilot Study, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction, 463-467. (6 pages paper)(NEW!)
Laeng, B., Suegami, T., and Aminihajibashi, S. (2016). Wine labels: an eye-tracking and pupillometry study, International Journal of Wine Business Research. (Selected “Highly commended” paper 2017)
(10) Takamura, T., Nishitani, S., Suegami, T., Doi, H., Kakeyama, M., and Shinohara, K. (2015). Developmental changes in the neural responses to own and unfamiliar mother's smiling face throughout puberty, Frontiers in Neuroscience.
(9)Suegami, T., Aminihajibashi, S., and Laeng, B. (2014). Another look at category effects on colour perception and their lateralisation: No evidence from a colour identification task, Cognitive Processing.
(8)Suegami, T., Laeng, B., and Aminihajibashi, S. (2013). A delayed discrimination task yields categorical perception of color not only in the right but also in the left visual field. Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (6 pages paper)
Suegami, T. and Laeng, B. (2013). A left cerebral hemisphere's superiority in processing spatial-categorical information in a non-verbal semantic format. Brain and Cognition.
末神 翔・道又 爾. (2011). カテゴリの定義規則がカテゴリカル知覚に及ぼす影響. 認知心理学研究, 9(1), 9-17.
(5)Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2010). Effects of Stroop interference on categorical perception in simultaneous color discrimination. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 110(3), 857-878.
(4)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2009). 言語ラベリングが色刺激の弁別に及ぼす影響. 上智大学心理学年報, 33, 127-134.
(3)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2008). Stroop干渉の強度が色のカテゴリカル知覚に及ぼす影響. Technical Report on Attention & Cognition, 2008(20), 1-2.
(2)Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2006). Does the incongruent verbal label produce the inversed categorical perception of colour? Perception, 36 supplement, 200.
(1)末神 翔・道又 爾 (2005). 色のカテゴリカル知覚における言語ラベルの寄与. Technical Report on Attention & Cognition, 2005(19), 1-2.

(9)Suegami, T., Sumioka, H., Obayashi, F., Ichii, K., Harada, Y., Daimoto, H., Nakae, A., and Ishiguro, H. (2017). Endocrinological Responses to a New Interactive HMI for a Straddle-type Vehicle: A Pilot Study, 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction. (Bielefeld, Germany: poster presentation).(NEW!)
Suegami, T., Laeng, B., and Aminihajibashi, S. (2013). A delayed discrimination task yields categorical perception of color not only in the right but also in the left visual field. 35th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (Berlin, Germany: poster presentation).
(7)Suegami, T. & Laeng, B. (2012). A left cerebral hemisphere’s superiority in processing spatial-categorical relation in non-verbal semantic fotmat. 34th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (Sapporo, Japan: poster presentation).
Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2011). Categorical perception of face is mediated by the compression effect. 17th European Society for  Cognitive Psychology Conference. (San Sebastian, Spain: poster presentation).
(5)Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2009). Categorical perception was induced by Rule-Based category learning but not by Information-Integrated category learning. 16th European Society for  Cognitive Psychology Conference. (Krakow, Poland: poster presentation).
(4)Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2008). Influences of Rule-Based and Information-Integrated Category Learning on Similarity Space. 16th Annual Conference of Object Perception, Attention, & Memory. (Chicago, USA :poster presentation).
Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2007). Does the incongruent verbal label produce the inversed categorical perception of colour? 30th European Conference on Visual Attention. (Arezzo, Italy :poster presentation).
(2)Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2006). Increasing the Verbal Interference Reduces the Categorical Perception of Color. 4th Asian Conference on Vision. (Shimane, Japan: poster presentation).
(1)Suegami, T. & Michimata, C. (2005). Not Color, but Color Name mediates the Color Categorical Perception. 19th Annual Meeting of American Psychological Society. (Los Angeles, USA.: poster presentation).

(1)Suegami, T. (2013). Do categories affect our perception? (Guest lecture) Open seminar in the Neuroscience of Language Discussion Group, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo (12th, Sept., 2013).

(11)末神 翔・Bruno Laeng. (2011). 意味情報としての質的空間関係情報と、その処理の大脳半球機能差, 日本基礎心理学会第30回大会. (東京、ポスター発表)
(10)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2010). 顔のカテゴリカル知覚のメカニズム -圧縮効果と拡張効果-, 日本基礎心理学会第29回大会. (兵庫、ポスター発表)
(9)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2009). Rule-Basedカテゴリとランダムカテゴリの学習が刺激の類似度に及ぼす影響. 日本基礎心理学会第28回大会. (東京、ポスター発表)
(8)末神 翔. (2009). カテゴリの定義規則がカテゴリカル知覚の生起に及ぼす影響. 上智大学オープンリサーチセンター2009年度研究発表会. (東京、口頭発表)
(7)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2008). カテゴリの定義規則がカテゴリカル知覚の生起に及ぼす影響. 日本基礎心理学会第27回大会. (宮城、ポスター発表)
末神 翔・道又 爾. (2008). Stroop干渉の強度が色のカテゴリカル知覚に及ぼす影響. 日本心理学会注意と認知研究会第6回合宿研究会. (石川、口頭発表)
末神 翔・道又 爾. (2006). 形態のカテゴリカル知覚における言語ラベルの寄与. 日本基礎心理学会第25回大会(広島、ポスター発表)
(4)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2005). 誤った言語ラベルが色のカテゴリカル知覚に及ぼす影響. 日本基礎心理学会第24回大会. (東京、ポスター発表)
(3)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2005). 色のカテゴリカル知覚における言語ラベルの寄与 -Stroop干渉を用いた検討- 日本心理学会第69回大会. (東京、ポスター発表)
(2)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2005). 色のカテゴリカル知覚における言語ラベルの寄与. 日本心理学会注意と認知研究会第3回合宿研究会. (静岡、口頭発表)
(1)末神 翔・道又 爾. (2004). Is color "Categorical Perception" only perceptual? -色のカテゴリカル知覚における言語ラベルの寄与-. 日本基礎心理学会第23回大会. (新潟、ポスター発表)


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 2012年度〜2013年度 計10,512,000円+渡航費

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日本心理学会機関誌「心理学ワールド」第79号 ここでも活きてる心理学(NEW!)


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